VIII The Holy Forest
KIP ALKS OUt of t of .
s o of ecting ts errace, and akes against o .
Surns back into t in front of cairs.
tient turns to face ouc leaves o te s, it begins to make trek toance of t of redness against w seems like volcanic flesh.
In ter by Caravaggio o reac, and c in his hand.
Caravaggio glances doo see t all through his cheeks.
hinks suddenly he owes him a life.
Kip begins to laug of the box of wires.
Caravaggio oronto street Caravaggio out of a taxi and Indian o get into it, and hen.
No laugo t tohe ceiling.
“I kno sarongs.” Caravaggio oronto I met t turned out to belong to an Indian family. to sleep in, and it intrigued me. e s to talk about and tually persuaded me to try it. I removed my clotepped into one, and tely set upon me and co t.” “Is t a true story?” She grinned.
“One of many!” S o almost believe it. Caravaggio antly diverted by t during burglar-ies. Breaking into a mas, iced t calendar been opened up to te to s left alone in orically discussing meals en greeted by turned to the scene of a crime.
S of t random pulls out a book. Sions in a book of poetry and begins to e there.
city. London is a recent tory. gunpoeentury, court paintings recorded fireworks displays.
mucaller timate smile up close t can c. A tougo ure ss. But is more rambunctious ts. Remember “I’ll rees—named for saints and emperors or wo.
the word bungalow comes from Bengali.