VII In Situ
EStBURY, ENGLAND, KIRPAL SINGOOD first ood on to t see but wcch arms up and swaying.
to t o teness of to the hill.
No signalled . to t out in t Sings scuffing te che slope.
Miss Morden, becopped ten feet above t s sebooks.
“Can you hear me?” he asked.
“Yes, it’s fine.” So and adjusted o tance and, as Singo t see.
Sing t Englis of ime in a barracks at oolo a question in teen, but conversations ed only tences.
son o t brotor, a broter t radition in all t ander t monteered o a unit of engineers t up to deal ion and unex-ploded bombs. ty of t ted by A.R.P. o convenient dumps, e t until t took over responsibility for bomb disposal, and turn, over to ty-five bomb disposal units up. tec and ools. ts.
A bomb is a combination of ts:
A container or bomb case.
. Afuze.
. An initiating charge, or gaine.
. A main charge of high explosive.
. Superstructionalfittings—fins, lifting lugs, kopfrings, etc.
Eig of bombs dropped by airplanes over Britain o a tan.” Singer long days of training, s still in ered til hen he was suddenly awake.
a target, tance caused a trembler to activate and ignite t in te explosion o te o detonate. t off turn caused tNt, amatol and aluminized poo explode. trembler to explosion lasted a microsecond.
t dangerous bombs itudes, ivated until ties and fields and remained dormant until trembler contacts urbed—by a farmer’s stick, a car they woul