VIII The Holy Forest
At four in ternoon to t in a il -deep in ter, o tip ten feet s nose sunk into t.
Beneater al casing, mucired ruts at so stop mud collapsing in around around t up t arted coming in; this was his second one.
It to immunize it. It o get a firm er. s—ter t of it could break his ankles.
c tal casing, trying to to rating on touc reaco ty-foot pit and fell on t any moment, remored, ell anyone murmur or a stroke reet innocently in front of you.
toc t o insert tools into ts of unic. o te— t Buckingop doh Mice.
. topped to taped to tal. No again.
ttle space beture already. If en minutes. Noand tures in an enclosed space. Captain Carlyle
into flames. t fast, already unconscious in his harness.
Kip dipped cotton o ter and touc to t t meant o longer. ton uck, it meant enougo the cup.
t in radius noes. taped onto t er t morning in te kit sent to all bomb disposal units.
hen is explosion reasonably permissible?
If a man’s life could be capitalized as X, t Y, and timated damage from explosion at V, t contend t if V is less t if V over Y is greater ttempt so avoid explosion in situ.
e suchings?
inued feeding in t s, just to , h oxygen.
(o cure ried tton ime it froze on.
ty minutes. After t ttery temperature for noo remove it.
o detect any rips in tal. tion oxygen could ignite if it came into contact o use liquid nitrogen.
“It’s a top of t.