be or not. You get your ; you s a poet anymore, or a revolutionary or a rock star. You don’t pass out drunk in p t four in tead, you buy life insurance from your friend’s company, drink in el bars, and keep your dental bills for medical deductions. t’s normal at ty-eight.
But t ly arted in our lives. It tack on a lazy spring day—as if someone, on top of a metapaps. One minute e t fit anymore: t, and pair. It was a mess.
But deat t. A rabbit is a rabbit of a or a it is—black smoke rising from a chimney.
t person to straddle ty and unreality (or unreality and reality) was a friend from college waug a junior-o s’ o heir baby.
One unusually ernoon in January, to a department store and bougor, dotle of Scotco tub, and slit s. er. took a lot of pograpomato juice. t a suicide. After all, t t o use? No one knew.
Maybe it
tment store t in a couple of t o kill himself.
leave a e. On tcable ty o fill, knocking back glass after glass of ared at t someto shave again.
A man’s deat ty-eiger rain.
During t ths, four more people died.
One died in Marc at an oil field in Saudi Arabia or Ku, and ttack and a traffic accident. From July to November t ther friend died, also in a car crash.
Unlike my first friend, o realize t t aircase times before and suddenly finding a step missing.
“ould you make up t attack ure designer. It nine, o tc. But t ake a nap,” o sleep, and never woke up again.
t, and t