. Do not fear,
For whe prayer will cease.
SECOND MERC. , would you wake her?
FIRSt MERC. I h her,
And mix s a t to serve.??
Lady, s crying out for speech.
(CAto door of the chapel.)
Cathleen. ho calls?
FIRSt MERC. e news.
CAt are you?
e are mercs, and he world
Because here
e matters t much concern you;
And noticing tle door stand open,
Came in to find an ear.
CAtands open,
t no one who is famished or afraid,
Despair of .
But you have news, you say.
FIRSt MERC. e saw a man,
he bog of Allen,
tle. Near Fair head
e saw your grain ships lying all becalmed
In t; and not less still they,
Burned all the sea.
CAto God, to Mary and the angels,
t I reasury,
And can buy grain from tored it up
to prosper on the poor.
But youve been far and knohings,
his yellow vapour no more hang
And creep about t
Vaniss green ss?
FIRSt MERC. ttle too are
Or dying??and on all the vapour hangs,
And fattens .
In you is all the land.
CAthe demons who buy souls?
they have wolves heads,
And say te flame??
orms; others, again,
Say ttle; while a few
ill tals are,
But tall and broravelled??like us??lady,
Yet all agree a poheir looks
t makes men boing?ne