ds border.
SPIRItS. No, no, no, no!
FIRSt SPIRIt. No, no, let us away;
From t come
Cry out to us who may.
SECOND SPIRIt. Sorrow has made me dumb.
(they go.)
SECOND MERC. ttle do t turn and
But you t disobey.
FIRSt MERC (rising) these dancers
Are al troublesome of spirits.
(age and stands facing ture of command. tS come
back . taking ub the bags.
FIRSt SPIRIt. From t well never dance again.
SECOND SPIRIt. Never again.
t. Sorrow has made me dumb.
SECOND MERC (looking into chapel door)
Shing; she has fallen asleep.
Our lord would be well pleased if we could win her.
No th our kind,
Mig kill
Before tir?
FIRSt MERC. If urquoise for our lord It must go dropping dos free will
But Ive a plan.
SECOND MERC. to take o?night?
FIRSt MERC. Because I am of tiest hell here are all kings, I have a plan.
SECOND MERC. too late;
For somebody is stirring in the noise
t tures made as ther,
he chairs pushed back,
And many s. All the old men and women
A VOICE. ( was here.
ANOther away.
ANOt ern tower.
ANOtern tower.
FIRSt MERC. e still ime??tant rooms.
SECOND MERC. Brot troubles me.
(Going to tory and peering t.)
Upon tar steps tess tosses, murmuring in ernoster.