John Faa spoke:
“Lyra, cold me about your reading of t instrument.
And Im sorry to say t poor Jacob died. I to o take you er all, against my inclinations. Im troubled in my mind about it, but t seem to be any alternative. As soon as Jacobs buried according to custom, ake our and me, Lyra: youre a coming too, but it ent an occasion for joy or jubilation. trouble and danger ahead for all of us.
“Im a putting you under Farder Corams you be a trouble or a o along and explain to Ma Costa, and o leave.”
t time of Lyras life so far.
Busily, but not quickly, for tedious stretcing, of s, of cumn landscape roll past t of all, of never once being allo into to run along t tes or catche lockside.
Because, of course, so remain ony Costa told erside pubs: t t ttle fair- for anyone concealing range rumors too: people said so errible secrets in a all but a pair of spirits in t to to ruin; and yet anot ars, come to spy on good Englisartar invasion.
Lyra ales at first er ing and fearing o be out of to be nortimes so be back at Jordan College, scrambling over teolling o dinnertime and tter and sizzle and sing of tcely t not she could be Lyra of Jordan College forever and ever.
t dreion er. S every day, sometimes imes on so tate in ain ranges touc emerged into vision.
Sruggled to explain to Farder Coram felt like.
“Its almost like talking to someone, only you cant quite upid because t get cross or any t, Farder Cora