me passed.
“ty about Dust. And all over try, all over too began a it. It of any account to us gyptians, until tarted taking our kids. ts erested. And connections in all sorts of places you imagine, including Jordan College. You kno tcing to us ever since you been t an interest in you, and t gyptian woman wopped being anxious on your behalf.”
“ c immensely important and strange, t all of concern so far away.
“It c. It , Ill be bound.”
Bernie ary man, one of t in aken. And Bernie elling tians everything! She marveled.
“So any at a time it. And er t never do, and tician Lord Asriel killed, er.”
“Mrs. Coulter?” said Lyra, quite stupefied. “S my mother?”
“S never o defy ill be at Jordan, not kno er ting you go is a mystery I cant explain. she had some power over him.”
Lyra suddenly understood ters curious be.
“But to...” srying to remember it exactly. “o go and see t morning, and I mustnt tell Mrs.
Coulter....It o protect me from opped, and looked at to tell trut tiring Room. “See, thing else.
t evening I iring Room, I saer try to poison Lord Asriel. I saold my uncle and er off table and spilled it. So I saved and to poison o udy, and I o go secretly so no one ry and remember exactly er and o keep it secret from er. I suppose its all rigell you....”
S in t of t and took out t package. S on table, and sy and Farder Corams brigelligence botrained on it like searcs.
er bare, i