t,” Jo on. “ exploring all over t fortune.
And ed man, quick to anger, a passionate man.
“And your mote too. Not so well born as a clever woman. A Sciful. S.
“trouble ician.
y, one of advisers. A rising man.
“Noell s you, girl—it you didnt favor your true fat it best to t youd died.
“So you ook to Oxfordsates, and put in tian o nurse. But someone tage er, in a murderous passion.
“Lord Asriel a ing, but t o ime to find your mot t of t staircase.
Anot and hen, and Lord Asriel killed him.
“tian s how we know.
“t la. Your fat to deny or conceal trut left t, an intruder. On toto avenge tion of t.
“ted for back and forting all y and all han a king.
“As for your moted noto do , nor urned ian nurse told me sen been afeared of reat you, because she was a proud and scornful woman. So much for her.
“t different, Lyra, you mig up a gyptian, because t to let ians got little standing in t decided you o be placed in a priory, and so you ers of Obedience at atlington. You remember.
“But Lord Asriel stand for t. red of priors and monks and nuns, and being a rode in one day and carried you off. Not to look after o give to tians; ook you to Jordan College, and dared to undo it.
“ell, t t back to ions, and you gre Jordan College. tion your mot be let see you. If sried to do t, so be prevented, and o be told, because all ture urned against er promised faito do t; and so ti