uot;If Im not serious, ing for you y? Ive got my oo do, but Im tell me Im not serious.quot;
quot;You o come t; so ocrat. S;You o, else youd never find out anyt your fat for yourself, not for me.quot;
tely, but in subdued voices, because of t in t nearby. opped altogether.
o lean against t his face.
quot; do you kno my fat; ly.
Sone. quot;I dont knos all I asked about.quot;
quot;Asked w;
quot;ter, of course.quot;
It took a moment for o remember sook it out of ;All rig;
And s doone curb around t rument and began to turn t too quickly to see, and to a stop urning to neions just as quickly.
ill looked around carefully, but to see; a group of tourists looked up at
t along t, but ttention was elsewhere.
Lyra blinked and siger a sleep.
quot;Your mot; sly. quot;But ser ook some letters and ran ahief, and you killed him.
And youre looking for your fat;
quot;All rig up,quot; said ill. quot;ts enoug no rigo look into my life like t.
Dont ever do t again. ts just spying.quot;
quot;I knoop asking,quot; s;See, ters like a person, almost. I sort of knoo be cross or me to kno. But o. And it said ...quot; S;It said you , Good, ts all rigrust. But I didnt ask more t till just no me to ask any more, I promise I . t like a private peep s spy on people, itd stop as ;
quot;You could ead of t t say w;
quot;No, because I didnt ask.quot;
tting by time. i