quot;ill,quot; said Lyra.
Sly, but artled all tting on t even noticed.
quot;I found my Sc an engine t can see Dust, and so make it talk—quot;
quot;I didnt see you coming.quot;
quot;You looking,quot; s;You mustve been t somets a good ts easy to fool people. atc;
trolling to, in te summer ssleeves, ons and t and speaking to them.
quot;Please, could you tell me o meet our parents t lost.quot;
t ill, and ill, containing o say, quot;S, , isnt it silly.quot; t;;
quot;Yea one,quot; said Lyra, and pretended to listen carefully as tructions.
ill got up and said, quot;t; and oget look back, but t interest.
quot;See?quot; s;If t em off. Cause t be looking for someone er. I better stay ; s on scoldingly once t;You ent safe on your o;
o leaden dome, set in a square bounded by one college buildings and a crees above ernoon sun dre tones out of it all, and t ric, almost tself of ill, and in ttle square even traffic noise was hushed.
S;s tter?quot;
quot;If you speak to people, you just attract ttention,quot; ;You s keep quiet and still and t all my life. I kno. Your —you make yourself visible. You s do t. You s play at it. Youre not being serious.quot;
quot;You t; s;You t kno lying and t? Im t liar t I ent lying to you, and I never . Youre in danger, and if I done t just t. Didnt you see em looking at you? Cause t careful enoug my opinion, its you t ent serious.quot;