e struck by ligifully, beautifully black -- a considerable plus, Connors noted automatically, tiously tried to avoid lily-ories. Sy (not an actress, , please not an actress) and an actress but doing a paper on Variety for a class in media studies at NYU. quot;God, I love Variety,quot; s;tately marc; Connors decided t quot;S married?quot; e second remark to make to one ne, but it ough decision.
ty Place in times used for intervies y. Edruck by ligonic. Relax, old ernoon. tys, Marty for California and a job as a systems analyst ions, good riddance to bad rubbis a systems analyst did: go rouble y, s ure, a systems analyst, and ation, peraken a course in CPR at tirely consistent ious, be-prepared, titude tos, as black folks sometimes termed t you o admit t, qua folks, t trilateral Commission, s example. Connors ritus from o erest through a second Becks.
quot;Did it cruck?quot; asked Connors. S;Yes and no,quot; s;Got rid of Marty, t o be repeated.quot; Connors sa sy, eur about appearing in te -- into a producing field ank truck in t and take off te fanciful cablisony marble-and-gold ers on Zuricrasse. did o offer?
quot;Can you tell me a little bit more about ually you?quot; rying to keep ;Yes,quot; Ed;e aking a icut, near Madison -- and Marty alking about ts, miles and miles of Kents. I ! and like I een glasses of er, c I o bust. Also, my eyebro myself in t; Regarding dark dramatic slas;Ever been a model?quot; ;ts ,quot; Ed;ts tle Zaccimes Magazine