ty good and I ed to get tire carted. I ire off and about to put t terrific cras on my back in tire tool bout a , I found it later in a field. Guy in a V van pulled up rig of me, jumped out and told me Id been struck. I couldnt ook me to a al and t ted about forty-eigness. And let me tell you my life since t day ; ;Serene. truly serene.quot; Burc-grandfatruck by lig seat of a buck-board on a country road in Pennsylvania in 1910, but no conversion ed in t case, as far as o ograp Burcered serenity on t tment s full of itness literature.
Connors next talked to a ing on a bencform and ected , but maybe not, s be sure. ant cning ce in ebook). S ly dubious about, and on t to do. Sy y ate, and s ée Lauder because te, oo tiring. Connors made a date for tograp and attractive (fa, black clocked stockings) but, Connors t, too old to start t h.
t day a call from someone ys in t Connors, scoruck by lig seat of a buggy on a country road outside Ioy in 1911. quot;But I dont to be in t; s;I mean, ars and movie stars. Olivia Neing a book or somet;
Connors ed. to appear in Folks before. ly irritated. ly decent colleagues turn amazingly ugly ervie;ell,quot; ;could least talk? I promise I take up mucime, and, you knoty important experience, being struck by lig many people . Also you migerested in . . .quot; quot;Okay,quot; s;but off t; quot;Done,quot; said Connors. My God, sate Department.
Ed only slig also mildly superb, ory, you name it. O Connors, to b