chapter 33
slation of tzu is a ainly t ambition. e confess to ation and delig of an Englisering to be one of t perfect of t specimens of tional literature. Since its appearance turies before tian era, terature of Co ts effect upon t of tical and imaginative literature of succeeding dynasties is almost as exclusive as t of t Mr.Balfours a translation at all; it is simply a mistranslation. t to pass upon a , and it ed of us to make good our judgment. e believe Mr. Balfour o raise tion of true interpretation of tzu. quot;But,quot;_e from t editor of t;in reading a book, it is necessary to understand first true tences, t of t of all, can you get at tral proposition of ter.quot; Noranslation bears marks t understood t construed tences correctly, and t of tions rue, as ts regarding rules of grammar and syntax, it t Mr. Balfour ral proposition of wers.
But of all t day o place ton at t t Mr. Fabers labours are of more scic value or a erary merit t almost every sentence ten serary and p find in any ot time. o be reserve for t portion of t paper, o state ts of Chinese scholarship.