In otells us in obeying t obey true la t. Paul te Comte, Monsieur Littre, as tion and reproduction; but true la. Paul t, and defined by Confucius as tleman. In s, true lao obey, is ualized, . t said: quot;Except your rigy) exceed teousness (or morality) of t) ye ser into t;
Noleman of Confucius isalso a refined, . t tells us obey t, Conscience. But, like Religion, tleman of Confucius tells us obey true la treet or of t t Emerson calls quot;t and purest mindsquot; in t, in order to knoleman is, first be a gentleman and leman developed in ;It is t can raise tandard of t t can raise tandard of t; *
Nevert tleman is, if udy and try to acquire taste of tleman. taste in teacranslated as ceremony, propriety, and good manners, but taste. Noaste, taste of a gentleman, ion, is , tleman of Confucius is not tleman, is not like t, a dry, dead kno and like teousness of tianity, an instinctive, living, vivid perception of te essence of rigice, tice called honour.
Noion: recognised tion of , t of Goetleman of Confucius? t, discovered it because taste of tleman, called ion te essence of rigice, tice called t gave, o aste or sense of ice called iful sentence of Joubert . Joubert says: quot;Les justes qu envers ceux qu ils aiment. Man cannot be truly just to ion calls true justice, tice called o discover t_t of Goetleman of Coufucius _is Love_to speak, to tleman; t secret, t only to build up society and civilisation, but also to establiso find God. You can noand