ders t so invite any of her young friends whom she
liked to come and amuse tately
grace about t, the
boys s and s fluttering cloaks, the
girls rains of their long brocaded gowns, and
sh huge fans of black and
silver. But ta graceful of all, and t
tastefully attired, after t cumbrous fashe day.
in, t and the wide puffed sleeves
iff corset studded h
roiny slippers tes
peeped out beneath her dress as she walked. Pink and pearl was her
great gauze fan, and in her hair, which like an aureole of faded
gold stood out stiffly round tle face, she had a
beautiful we rose.
From a chem.
Beood ed,
and or of Granada, sat by his
side. Sadder even t the
Infanta boy to ters, or
laug the grim Duchess of Albuquerque who
ime before - so it seemed to him - had come from
try of France, and he sombre
splendour of t, dying just six monter the
birthe almonds blossom
t from the
old gnarled fig-tree t stood in tre of the now grass-
groyard. So great he had
not suffered even to hide her from him. She had been
embalmed by a Moorisurn for this service had
been granted his life, which for heresy and suspicion of magical
practices ed, men said, to the holy Office,
and ill lying on its tapestried bier in the black
marble c as the monks had borne her in on