me, to him is pain. Surely
Love is a is more precious than emeralds, and
dearer tes cannot buy it, nor
is it set fortplace. It may not be purche
mercs, nor can it be ;
quot;t in t; said tudent,
quot;and play upon tringed instruments, and my love will dance
to tly
t touciers in their
gay dresses dance,
for I o give ;; and he flung himself down on
quot;; asked a little Green Lizard, as
ail in the air.
quot;; said a Butterfly, after a
quot;; wo , low
quot;; said tingale.
quot;For a red rose?quot; t;; and ttle
Lizard, .
But tingale understood t of tudents sorrow,
and s silent in tree, and t about tery
of Love.
Suddenly s, and soared into the
air. She grove like a shadow, and like a shadow
she garden.
In tre of t anding a beautiful Rose-tree,
and , and lit upon a spray.
quot;Give me a red rose,quot; s;and I est
But tree ss head.
quot;My roses are ; it ans;as he
sea, and ain. But go to my
brothe old sun-dial, and perhaps he will give
you .quot;
So tingale fleo tree t was growing
round the old sun-dial.
quot;Give me a red rose,quot; s;and I est
But tree ss head.
quot;My roses are yello; it ans;as yellohe
mermaiden he
daffodil t blooms i