ONCE upon a time, on an unined island on t ted in more-tal splendour. And t and ove of t you must particularly never toucook flour and er and currants and plums and sugar and t across and t t ible (ts magic), and it on stove because o cook on tove, and and till it most sentimental. But just as o eat it to togeted Interior one Rted e tig anywly like a Noa of course muchen, and he has no manners now, and he never will have any manners. he said, how!
and t t cake and climbed to top of a palm tree , from al splendour. And t tove cake on te it, and ao te and Exclusively Unined Interior ra, and Promontories of tree and put tove on its legs and recited t o relate:--
t takes cakes
he Parsee-man bakes
Makes dreadful mistakes.
And t deal more in t think.
Because, five er, t ook off all took off ; but took off over o to bat buttoned underneattons and looked like a erproof. ever about ten it all; and raigo ter and blehe beach.
Presently t ran all round imes. times round t to e anyt cake, and never s out ook t skin, and skin, and skin, and skin just as full of old, dry, stale, tickly cake-crumbs and some burned currants as ever it could possibly o top of ree and ed for to come out of ter and put it on.
And ttoned it up tons, and it tickled like cake crumbs in bed. ted to scratc t made it ime ickled o tree and rubbed and rubbed and rubbed it. o a great fold over tons used to be (but tons off), and spoiled emper, bu