quot;tertio. Sitting up late. Instead of using t for sleep, youspend it in reading; your bedstead is a bookcase, your pillows a desk!
At time turnal orgies, and you are surprised to find it t day.
quot;Quarto. Luxurious s. S up in your attic, you insensiblysurround yourself e indulgences. You must for your door, a blind for your for your feet, aneasy-cuffed at tsign of cold, and a so your lamp; and to all tions, t draugc, and you must acles to support t of day.
You you s, and you racted infirmities.
quot;Aor!quot; cried I. quot;Pray, do not carry yourexamination fart attaco eac;
tor rubbed h his snuffbox.
quot;You see,quot; said ly, and rising at time, quot;you rut you areguilty. entem reum! But at least, my friend, do not goon laying time, like an old ;
t my pulse, and took ion an end, and t t depended upon myself.
or about reflecting upon w he had said.
Altoo s true in ten ion he had begun.
But is t anotance--t during t my courage and my arms efficient? S review of souls w pass before ?
Darest ten terred?
First, t erred t duly valued too deeply of toxicating y; I o love mensolely because ts; Iracted tion only. t to is composed of mybrot pass by , vain of mytrifling knoellect as ot of dress; I take credit for a giftourn tune into ao attack others.
A days of revolutions, ignorance ed andraised a cry of red against genius, t is not alone in t comes in