And God created t hales, and each
Soul living, eac crept, weously
ters generated by thir kindes,
And every Bird of er his kinde;
And sa it hem, saying, [ 395 ]
Be fruitful, multiply, and in the Seas
And Lakes and running Streams ters fill;
And let tiplyd on th.
Forthe Sounds and Seas, each Creek and Bay
ith Frie innumerable swarme, and Shoales [ 400 ]
Of Fis hir Finns and shining Scales
Glide under t oft
Bank t single or e
Graze ture, and through Groves
Of Coral stray, or sporting h quick glance [ 405 ]
So ts dropt h Gold,
Or in t ease, attend
Moist nutriment, or under Rocks thir food
In jointed Armour che Seale,
And bended Dolp huge of bulk [ 410 ]
tempest than
of living Creatures, on the Deep
Stretcorie sleeps or swimmes,
And seems a moving Land, and at his Gilles [ 415 ]
Dra runck spouts out a Sea.
Mean wepid Caves, and Fens and shoares
tc soon
Bursting ure forth disclosd
t featherd soon and fledge [ 420 ]
th air sublime
ithe ground, under a cloud
In prospect; tork
On Cliffs and Cedar tops thir Eyries build:
Part loosly more wise [ 425 ]
In common, rangd in figure hir way,
Intelligent of seasons, and set forth
thir Aierie Caravan high over Seas
Flying, and over Lands ual wing
Easing t; so stear