But still t random, as before, [ 930 ]
Argue t behooves
A fait to hazard all
I t undertook [ 935 ]
to e Abyss, and spie
ted orld, whereof in hell
Fame is not silent, o find
Better abode, and my afflicted Powers
to settle h, or in mid Aire; [ 940 ]
t to try once more
o serve thir Lord
o hrone,
And practisd distances to cringe, not fight. [ 945 ]
to whe warriour Angel, soon replid.
to say and strait unsay, pretending first
ise to flie pain, professing next the Spie,
Argues no Leader, but a lyar tract,
Satan, and couldst thful add? O name, [ 950 ]
O sacred name of faithfulness profand!
Faito hy rebellious crew?
Armie of Fiends, fit body to fit head;
as th ingagd,
Your military obedience, to dissolve [ 955 ]
Allegeance to th acknowledgd Power supream?
And te, w seem
Patron of liberty, whou
Once fawnd, and cringd, and servilly adord
in hope [ 960 ]
to dispossess o reigne?
But mark ;
Flie t: if from this houre
its thou appeer,
Back to t I drag thee chaind, [ 965 ]
And Seale t to scorne
tes of oo slightly barrd.
So tnd Satan to no ts
Gave waxing more in rage replid.