Alone, but long I sat not, till my womb
Pregnant by thee, and now excessive grown
Prodigious motion felt and rueful throes. [ 780 ]
At last t
tten, breaking violent way
tore trails, t h fear and pain
Distorted, all my nethus grew
transformd: but he my inbred enemie [ 785 ]
Fortal Dart
Made to destroy: I fled, and cryd out Death;
rembld at the hideous Name, and sighd
From all h.
I fled, but seems, [ 790 ]
Inflamd ter far,
Mee overtook her all dismaid,
And in embraces forcible and foule
Ingendring rape begot
ters t h ceasless cry [ 795 ]
Surround me, as t, hourly conceivd
And e
to me, for o the womb
t bred turn, and howle and gnaw
My Bo; ting forth [ 800 ]
A freserrours vex me round,
t rest or intermission none I find.