Poor Aurelius. o notice as I slipped my arm t turned to face me fully. “Per’s better not to ory at all, rat keeps c my ory and never quite catc. Running after my story when I had Mrs. Love all along. She loved me, you know.”
‘I never doubted it.“ So ter tter not to knoed.
one to te sky. “Do you think so?”
‘t it?“
I slid my arm from ucked my cold . “It’s less story is better t’s too heavy.”
‘So. My story is a heavy one.“
I said notold ory but my own.
‘I er,“ I began. ”A twin.“
urned to face me. tened gravely to tory I poured out to him.
‘e me. S to beat for I couldn’t live rengted us, and she died.“
My ot over my scar, and I pressed hard.
‘My motold me. S it ter for me not to know.“
‘A weigory.“
‘But you do know.“
I pressed by accident.”
‘I am sorry,“ he said.
I felt my aken by o one great fist. to s I felt tness of o my ear. It is ting of , I t. A . By my side. So t it’s like. I listened.
‘And is it better to know?“ he asked me.
‘I can’t tell you. But once you kno’s impossible to go back.“
‘And you knoory.“
‘My true story.“
ated. Just took a breato grotle bigger.
‘You ter tell me, then,“ he said.
I told. And anding at ting teness of the snow.
it in ated. “I the rules.”
I t it oo. “But w else can we do?”
‘t hey?“