going to tell you a story about ter er me t first evening in t ed ecory attacibly to hers.
Once upon a time two baby girls…
Except t noter.
Sed me in t direction t very first nigo listen.
‘Do you believe in gs, Miss Lea?“ so tell you a g story.“
And I old ime.”
But sold me a g story.
Once upon a time two baby girls…
Or alternatively: Once upon a time three.
Once upon a time ted.
t s, mostly invisible, and yet not quite invisible. t open, and t s. t in a mirror t made you glance up. t beain ed movement of books from one room to anoterious movement of bookmark from page to page. It ed a diary from one place and in anot replaced it later. If, as you turned into a corridor, to you t you missed seeing ttle g far ay, t ttle g was iness somewhere.
o see. Yet s seen.
Sed softly. On tiptoe, in bare feet, s sfall of every inant of to s of so o move among them invisibly.
Isabelle and C. Living as tside logic, outside reason, t t to be perplexed by tems seemed to t of tural universe. A s fell across a carpet to be did not cause to stop and reflect; suceries seemed only a natural extension of ts and minds. ttle g in t stac t, to tovers in try like a mouse, er to bed, disappeared into tion tant anyone appeared.
S of the house.
Like all secrets, she had her guardians.
ttle g as plain as day, despite . A good too. it ion try, enoug loaf, to sustain ttle g. For it ake to t t