II In Near Ruins
riend of my fated to die is. himself.
does your father do?
he is
.. he war.
You’re in too.
S kno er a montting first by t t t ients and doctors and nurses and equipment and ss and to back doo Florence and to Pisa. Sed aablets, as cures, trucks. Good-bye, tters to a close.
Beo t of ty miles a of ty of Florence, of t one of t door en a nightingale.
t to protect inants from tress, t of tatues blo days of stle demarcation bets of to o garden could come only to someone e of te of ter. Someday t.
Caravaggio came into tco find ting able. see ucked in under he bare shoulders.
S still or asleep. itable.
Caravaggio stood t. It yet daable wood.
“illed illness. “o moan so t be reached.
ain at first about touchen lay his bandaged hand on her shoulder.
S stop s sorroo excavate everything.
Sill, tood up against of table.
“Dont touco try and fuck me.” t, ering tc.
“and?” “ love ied yourself to a corpse for some reason.” “. I t. Are to protect t even care!” “I can love y-year-old o love a g!” Caravaggio paused. “You o protect yourself from sadness. Sadness is very close to e. Let me tell you take in someone elses poison— t—you ead store it er t ston pocket of ary sries to imagine een cypress trees.
As to , like er, t moving. he plum being swallowed.
dribble, reacs o suck it. Let me tell you about plums, he says. hen I was a boy...
After t niger mo