The Crucifixion Of The Outcast
d Dana the
false gods of the old days; always making
poems in praise of those kings and queens
of the hill in
the hill of
the ave, and
Eiveen of they
call Don of ts of the Sea; and
railing against God and C and the
blessed Saints. hile he was speaking
he crossed himself, and when he had
finiscap over his
ears, to s out the noise, and closed
ther Kevin,
Brottle olf, Brother
Bald Patrick, Brother Bald Brandon,
Broter sitting
up in bed, and up.
dragged o they dipped
at terwards
called Buckleys Ford.
Gleeman, said they
led o t-house, why do
you ever use t which God has given
you to make blaspales
and verses ? For suche way of your
craft. I ales and
verses well nige, and so I know
t I speak true ! And why do you praise
hose demons, Finvaragh, Red
am a man of great and learning, but
I ever glo.rify our gracious Coarb, and
Benignus our Patron, and the princes of
t and
orderly, but yours is like the wind among
t I could for
you, being also a man of many ts,
but who could help such a one as you ?
My soul, friend, anshe glee man,
is indeed like t blows me
to and fro, and up and dos
many to my mind and out of my
mind, and t,