A very old man, meditating upon t and part of t? faced boy of seventeen years sat by cill er. t, and t and a blue cap, and tle monastery. It y, but t find ser in days. set o t it, and t until t and mingled a c, even tood upon oes; and beyond trees.
Master, said ting, and ter nigo ters and among trees, is too mucrengt from all ttle, for your less steady under you to?day t you are older t you seek t t belongs to age. s of t; and tely, as t ant days and distant deeds.
I ell you o rest, is rig you sion, taking atle of too, t triump is to his knowledge.
Master, do not t I ion you. It is for me to keep t, and tc trong, lest t among trees; and it is for me to take to lift from its corner t painted roll o possess t , for rig God of e o do things is my wisdom.
You are afraid, said tary anger.
Sometimes at nig of t grey man driving stle people in red caps tle fear ttle people so muco dance; and I kno t loves dancing; but I fear t.
And I fear tall tell eacion of ts, no and noo tiful faces, but, Aengus, son of Forbis, I fear all t w us.
gods out in battle, and ttle people ill c I must tell you your ed and laboured to no good end. ttage and till your fields, and take some girl to t gods. I o me by earls and knigments of cs and squires ladies for keeping ttle fall dry, and taking tter from t all for t an end, and no t lack for gold and silver pieces enougo make strong tree of your cottage and to keep cellar and larder