I most of ts of my generation. I er tion of to tor of a series of ss, o compile tales of ts, and Rer of elsranslations and original poems t en moved me greatly t years older tor kneo meet every nig eating rand called t Door Plarr, Ernest Radford, Jo. . Rolleston, Selion, Edantly for a time, Art antly, never came and Francis t never joined; and sometimes, if in a private o invite o ted Boo me, is staying in t End because t is t I old I live in t End because noterests me but the mask.
e read our poems to one anotalked criticism and drank a little imes say orians, before us suco admit t I alk of t, ly but manners, o say a feer, You do not talk like a poet, you talk like a man of letters; and if all t been polite, if most of t been to Oxford or Cambridge, t, often very abstract t, longing all to be full of images, because I o t scead of a university.
Yet even if I o a university, and learned all tions of Engliserature and Englisure, all t great erudition lessness, I so give up my Iris matter, or attempt to found a neradition. Lacking sufficient recognisedprecedent I must needs find out some reason for all I did. I kne from tart t to overfloo be not quite t, seeing t my country born at all. I o imperfect ac, and under a curse, as it o spend time, needed for t, in argument as to tting out, but tion s principally by Joies upon us, ion to all ideas, all generalisations t can be explained and debated. E... fresimes say??e are concerned impressions,