and meet s treet and toRYMAN; but if in te in France or any ot of EUROPE, to t of ENGLIS parity of reasoning, all Europeans meeting in America, or any oter of tRYMEN; for England, and in treet, toy do on tinctions too limited for continental minds. Not one tants, even of t.
e t or motry applied to England only, as being false, selfish, narrow and ungenerous.
But admitting, t amount to? Notain, being noinguisitle: And to say t reconciliation is our duty, is truly farcical. t king of England, of t line (illiam ts from try; t to be governed by France.
Muced strengtain and t in conjunction t bid defiance to t tion; te of ain, neitinent self to be drained of inants, to support tisher Asia, Africa, or Europe.
Besides ting t defiance? Our plan is commerce, and t, tended to, is terest of all Europe to . rade ection, and her barrenness of gold and silver secure her from invaders.
I c advocate for reconciliation, to sage t tinent can reap, by being connected Britain. I repeat t a single advantage is derived. Our corn cs price in any market in Europe, and our imported goods must be paid for, buy them where we will.
But tages ain by t connection, are number; and our duty to mankind at large, as o ourselves, instruct us to renounce to, or dependence on Great Britain, tends directly to involve tinent in European s us at variance ions, for trade, ial connection of it.
It is true interest of America to steer clear of European cont