tapped loosely at took off and pressed sleeve against back on again.
Come in, a voice called.
epped into the cool darkness. Ellis?
Im back here. Come on back.
o tcting beside table in his chair.
tale ove and over it all lay a faint tang of urine. Like ts but it just cats. Bell stood in took off. t om, know w was.
Youre lookin at it. You by yourself?
Set do some coffee?
Bell looked at tter on ttles of medicine. Breadcrumbs.
Quartere it.
I ter from your wife.
You can call ta.
I know I can. Did you know ses me?
I guess I kneime or two.
Its more time or tty regular. tells me the family news.
I didnt knohere was any.
You might be surprised.
So tter then.
S told me you tin, ts all. Set down.
t co see if . o rolling te from a sack of tobacco at ed turned it around and lit it er o t smoking, te pencilwise in his fingers.
Are you all right? Bell said.
Im all right.
ly sidec to say you look older, he said.
I am older.
t a c and on table.
Let me ask you somethin, he said.
All right.
s your biggest regret in life.
t ion. I dont kno all t many regrets. I could imagine lots of t you migo imes, but in t as just never did get t.
I know w you mean.
I know you do.
t youre askin me is t.
And it aint t aint tton eye.