Half and Half
ot;Stay a;
And I cill see I almost feel I can make ay there forever.
I see anding by to my fatoo carts to ugs on my fat as he can.
Ss erupt. Someone of op of Mark, ts for me to stop t after I pull Luke off Mark, I look up and see Bing o t, nobody notices. I am t Bing is doing.
Bing eps. tle body is moving so quickly, as if ted someters edge. And I to fall in. Im expecting it. And just as I t are already in t of balance, before o t leaving so mucer.
I sank to my knees c spot saying anyt make sense of it. I o ter and try to pull ? S to my fat enougake it all back and forbid Bing from joining my fathe ledge?
And ters ;; ts and sand flying as everyone rus me toers edge. I stood to move as my sisters looked by to see rying to part their hands.
e s and t : a brigoucers edge and t, became dark, ts turned ter.
As I look back, it seems unnatural to t t and boats at a time like t. But s. My fating minutes, estimating temperature of ter, readjusting imate of ;Bing! Bing!quot; as if in tly reading comic books. And urned off t for a s do, she could. She could find Bing.
And er, sill act. er, but sood quietly, calm and regal as a mermaid queen of t us all in our car, and sent us o grieve.
I ed to be beaten to deaters and brot . I c I sa in ts.
quot;I to go fis; said my father.
quot;e s ; said Janice, ime.
quot;o t; moaned Luke. quot;o make me start a fig;
And my motly admitted to me, q