The Red Candle
my eady. I missed my family and my stomac bad, knoermined to s ai could never accuse my mot from our family.
As I ooping over table gutting a fis me from tell aitai. So I gave a big smile and sed, quot; a lucky girl I am. Im going to life.quot; And in t oo close to ;S;— kind of fool are you? And I kne declaration of tricked myself into t migrue.
I sayan-yu at till a fe ed like a big o make me cry. enoug . ed until I doo eat and t face w him.
Over t feai instructed ts to teaco seure familys name. ied aitai used to say as sroduced me to a neask. I dont taitai ever soiled s calling out orders and criticism.
quot;teaco er runs clear. eat muddy rice,quot; so a cook servant.
Anotime, sold a servant to so clean a c: quot;Make o to make sure its clean.quot; t o cook so I could smell if t stuffing oo salty before I even tasted it. I could sec looked as if ted on. And even aitai complained in a pretend manner t sy blouse on t hes every day.
After a errible life, no, not really. After a day? isfying taitai nod and pat my rokes? er seeing tyan-yu eat a its taste or my looks? Its like tV t a stain so tter than new.
Can you see o tyan-yu as a god, someone aitai as my real moted to please, someone I s question.
urned sixteen on taitai told me so spring. Even if I ed to marry, rong as a he Japanese were in every corner of China.
quot;ted guests,quot; said tyan-yus grandmot;and ts ai e plans, but our wedding wa