Opening Trunks, or A Protest against Civilization
tions taken against trunks, searcills, consist in securing ening s and locks. t t. But a strong till on t be strong enoug o call simply amount to saving up for trong ture to state t not rong t ate of Coos and plougerritory of over ts four boundaries, emple or sed, a god y or a district governed, but in accordance he Sages?
Yet one morning {46} tien Cse sleole tricks altien Cse acquired tation of a tably as ever did eitates did not venture to blame, nor t States to punisions s ruled over Chi. {47}
as t a stealing tate of Cs ricks of to preserve ture to ask, teems as great otrong t trong thieves?
o deatseo t t preserve t.
An apprentice to Robber C;Is tao (moral principles) among t;
quot;tell me if t tao,quot; Cheh replied.
quot;ter of ty is located, to go in first, and t last. ting success, and kindness in t been a great robber ies.quot; It is seen t teac keep tion, and teac accomplisy, to ttle and t. t ;If turned up, teet an. {48}
ers appeared. Overt ters free, and tream ceases, ters s t in peace. On t pop off neiters drop off. Nor if you double to govern ts of Robber Cheh.
If pecks and bus, tolen, along eel yards are used for olen along allies and signets are used for good faitallies and signets olen. If cy and duty are used for moral principles, cy and duty olen. eal a eal a kingdom and you are made a duke. (teacy and duty remain in t not true, t ty and duty and of the Sages?
So it is t ted into pri