The Great Supreme
quot;Do you dislike it?quot; asked tsesze. quot; No, seyu. quot;If my left arm so . If my rigo s doo broil . If my buttocks s become a o ride in it -- ained life because it ime, and I am noing in accordance ao. Content ime and living in accord ao, joy and sorroouc. to ts, to be freed from bondage. t be freed from bondage are so because trammels of material existence. But man ?quot;
By-and-by, tselai fell ill, and lay gasping for breatood seli to see o t;Go a; t t;Verily, God is great! I s liver or into an insect leg?quot;
quot;A son,quot; ansselai, quot;must go , Norts. If Yin and Yang bid me die quickly, and I demur, t is mine, not t (universe) gives me toil in man in deat arbiter of my death.
quot;Suppose t tal in a smelting-pot o bubble up and say, Make of me a Moyeer caster t metal as uncanny. And if simply because I am cast into a o say, Only a man! only a man! I tor too me as uncanny. If I regard ting pot, and tor as ter Caster, ?quot; to a peaceful sleep and waked up very much alive.
tsesang se Fan, and tsecoget;oget live toget to to timate Infinite, oblivious of existence, for ever and ever end?quot; t eac understanding and became friends accordingly. Sly aftersesang tsekung to attend t tsekung found t one of s and tringed instruments and (botogether as follows:
quot;Oo us, Sang hu,
Oo us, Sang hu,
t already returned to true state,
ill remain ;
tsekung ;;
t eac; s t;