Chapter 11
trange to analyzing dreams in order to understand man.
Dream analysis o know a man.
Just t does t a psyc, s you, erested in your dreams -- because, as you are, you are a lie.
It is useless to ask anyt you, o consult your dreams.
Your reflection comes ture emerges she dreams -- which are false.
So t s to peek into your dreams.
the analysis of dreams.
ter erested in dreams too.
o ask t instead might dream of finding a diamond mine.
In reality o do h God.
It is also possible be seeking God so t some day ask s of the diamond mine.
tells w .
ter heir dreams.
If people o e ly in t ime tter place to live in, and o knos about men.
time world is full of lies.
t very well.
At least in truts, because t s o s oy.
If o uncover t many of th.
Most of to be criminals -- of course, criminals of t commit crimes in tplace, but in their minds.
One morning ter got up wo pass by.
ter called ;Last night I had a dream.
Interpret it for me, ;
t;Please , let me go and bring terpretation!quot;
ter asked, quot;Youll go and bring terpretation?quot; But ed.
t inside, brouger, and said, quot; wash your face.
No ts terpreting it? Please tle illusion, tle trace of your dream t may still be left can be cleaned away.
ter said, quot;Sit beside me.
I like your interpretation.
ter called