Chapter 6
p rumental in bringing o Calcutta as tial step.
And if tial step cant bring o Calcutta, t step cannot either.
t ep tota, o reacta.
itep Calcutta drew nearer and nearer.
You may perook six monto arrive at Calcutta, but t is t it is only because arted to arrive six mont er.
to say to you is: dont t deature, deat every moment.
And ure? It is total of all of our presents.
e keep on adding to it.
It is just like er.
At t degree ter it turned into steam yet.
And t s up two degrees.
ter urn into steam o a started moving closer to becoming steam at t degree, and t third and so on.
But even ninety-nine degrees ter does not turn into steam; t will only reaches one hundred.
ever occurred to you t t as t degree is also a degree? ty-ninto t to there is no difference.
So t t degree t ter urn into steam -- alter turning into steam anywhere.
Of course, er is ing up, but urning into steam? e can delude ourselves up to ty-nint ter is still not turning into steam, but at t is bound to become steam.
Eac closer.
is meaningless to try to save yourself from deato postpone it by saying t deature.
Deat; we are dying every day.
In fact, tually no difference between w we call living, and dying.
another name for dying gradually.
I dont say t ture, I say c is already happening now.
I am not asking you to think, even.
t;; I dont say to think.