o find Pantalaimon desperately figill, ened tig grimly ?
Not Roger?
Yes, Roger, battering at Mrs. Coulter s and feet, ling o be struck doartar green flutter across —
A great sed curtains of snoo t later and t ja, rig, eet fur—
too, tearing of ter and clinging tigtering in amazement as a greater fluttering s all around tc ragged black s close enougo toucced o pull tring and to t of a mailed and loartar away—
And t at t the ground.
Up! Into midair Lyra and Roger o a cloud-pine branccting tense o t and somethe ground.
tumbled into t of Lee Scoresbys balloon.
“Skip inside,” called texan, “and bring your friend, by all means. bear?”
Lyra sa tc buoyancy of to th.
“Get in!” so Roger, and scrambled over t to fall in a snoer Roger fell on top of y noise he very ground shake.
“Cmon, lorek! On board, old feller!” yelled Lee Scoresby, and over the bear in a hideous creak of wicker and bending wood.
At once t lohe rope.
ted immediately and surged upo t a rate Lyra could scarcely believe. After a moment t, and up t, faster and faster, so t s no rocket could tly. So Roger on t, pressed doion.
Lee Scoresby ering exan yells of deligening clao all t before packing te pieces in a pile. Somecs told t tco the upper airs.
Little by little Lyra recovered beat. S up and looked around.
t ruments, and ttled air, and a variety of otoo small or confusing to make out in t this a cloud?”