, a door closing. t doalking, but more quietly.
“ is Lord Asriel up to?”
“I t an entirely different idea of ture of Dust. ts t. Its profoundly ical, you see, and torial Court of Discipline cant alloerpretation ts to experiment—”
“to experiment? it?”
“ so loud...”
“Do you t?”
“No, no. I t h her very well.”
“titude worries me....”
“Not philosophical, you mean?”
“Exactly. A personal interest. I dont like to use t its almost ghoulish.”
“ts a bit strong.”
“But do you remember t experiments, —”
Lyra,coutdnt : a little cry escaped time sensed and s knocked against a stanchion.
“ ?”
“In the ceiling—”
t running, a table pulled across tried to scramble a ttle space, and before s up suddenly, and so tartled face of a man. So see every acartled as s o move, o t a o the gap and seize her arm.
“A child!”
“Dont let her go—”
Lyra sank eeto , but didnt let go, even ting, but it ronger til ely clinging to tanco loosen, and so the room.
Still s utter a sound. Sal above, and struggled upside docing, puncting in passionate fury. ting ion, but they pulled and pulled.
And suddenly all trengt out of her.
It o be, and hing deep and precious.
S faint, dizzy, sick, disgusted, limp h shock.
One of talaimon.
of . ss of anbaric alarm...oward h hands for him....
till. tured.
S t allo supposed to touch... rong