It Lyras o brood; sical c imaginative. No one ion it o come all t it, an imaginative cely iced liar doesnt mean you ion. Many good liars ion at all; its t wion.
So no sion Board, Lyra didnt fret o terror about ians. ters, and even talaimon said , aken; or if mistaken, Jo not . It so t tians o rescue manage it, notop lorek Byrnison from getting ; and to Svalbard in Lee Scoresbys balloon and rescue Lord Asriel.
In .
So next morning, ever to see Roger—in particular, eager to see him before he saw her.
S o . t dormitories seven by ter t o teen for breakfast.
And there was Roger.
ting a table just inside tc rig to pretend to drop a o pick it up, bending lo to Pantalaimon could speak to Rogers daemon Salcilia.
Stered so Pantalaimon o be a cat and leap at o Roger pale at once. Lyra e. ty stare so ement, and joy; and only Pantalaimon, so keep Roger from sing out and leaping up to greet friend, his comrade in arms, his Lyra.
But tles and campaigns. No one must kno ed trays of cornflakes and toast and sat togetant gang, excluding everyone else in order to gossip about them.
You cant keep a large group of c giving ty to do, and in some abled activities sucics and “art.” Boys and girls separate except for breaks and mealtimes, so it until midmorning, after an ed by one of t Lyra o talk to Roger. But it o look natural; t y.
All t t boys talk to boys and girls to girls, eac of ignoring te sex.