rument I couldnt guess, but I believe alks of it. do you kno her?”
“tcalked about turies past,” said the consul.
“Because to tal o time, in t destiny t can only be fulfilled else far beyond. it tches say.
But s fulfill tiny in ignorance of , Farder Coram?”
“No,” said Farder Coram, “Im unable to say t I do.”
“ it means is t s be free to make mistakes. e must s, but guide o his child before I die.”
“But particular c did you mean about t a loss to understand you, Dr. Lanselius, for all t I judge youre an man....”
But before ttle branch of pine.
“tested em all, and t, Im sure. But it fly for me.”
t is remarkable. You are lucky to rument like t, and I o give you someto take ah you....”
ook twig for her.
“Did shis?” Lyra said.
“Yes, s tc. I cant give you all of it, because I need it to contact ter it.”
“Yes, I will,” shank you.”
And sucked it into er. Farder Coram touc a longing. to too.
“I ood on ep in to ctle street.
“ tartars before I did,” Lyra told Farder Coram.
“ter told me, but I never said. It he crucible.”
“I expect esting you, c you done rigo be polite, being as be sure ip about t know herwise.”
to t, old t ty at six, but to be quick, because straigo they gave him drink.
took Lyra to t outfitters in to s forms liners of reindeer calf skin, and silk gloves to go inside big fur mittens. ts and mittens is extra tougs oug light