d t o about t.”
Lyra o kno tc turned talk to tter of fuel and stores, and presently sient to see t of toance of an able seaman by flicking at en at breakfast. out and placid man, and urn, t friends. t o do prevented you from feeling seasick, and t even a job like scrubbing a deck could be satisfying, if it ion, and later on ss on in a seamanlike ow”
instead of “tidy” for the process of doing so.
After t sea, Lyra decided t to t-name terms ain Rokeby let o a e by pulling team ern o inspect t.
All time teaming nort greores do s at Jordan and avoided instruction from Mrs. Lonsdale. togeterproof bag for ter t s, in case s safely in place so ter as tinging spray broke over till felt seasick occasionally, especially s of t alaimons job to distract by skimming tormy petrel; because ser, and forget ime to time ried being a fiso their surprise and pleasure.
Lyra stood s as alaimon, sleek and poer gray so stay close to t so speed as far and as fast as ion. S for simple pleasure, for t too. Suppose would shen?
ed tco look out at ttle girls daemon skimming and leaping ucked under an. Lyra was feeling.
“I remember to sea, my Belisaria settled on one form, I young, and stle like t. t vessel led as a dolper. navigator you ever kne t it. e ill sea.”
“o settle?” Lyra said. “I Pantalaimon to be able to change forever. So does he.”
“Atled, and ts part of growing up.
time a settled kind of form for him.”