oure most like is marss tian sc cive, ts w you are, c.
“I ent never deceived anyone! You ask...” to ask, of course, and Ma Costa laug kindly.
“Cant you see Im a paying you a compliment, you gosling?” s understand.
s it to set in a splas t, like tered buildings around; to till air, and from ts all around came t.
tied up close to tself, at a mooring tony said ions. Presently Ma Costa eels tering and ttle on for potato powder.
tony and Kerim oiled t on t leats and blue spotted neckerc to greet some old friends in ts and drink a glass or t bar. tant news.
“e got in time. t. And to tian boat, and so appear tonig the Roping!”
ered tempered, as if tside an excitement groer into t pocket, and jumping aso the Zaal.
S tony sian t, for many people stared, and ced, and by time t doors of to stare and give them room.
And to feel truly nervous. S close to Ma Costa, and Pantalaimon became as big as ook o reassure a trudged up teps as if notop ony and Kerim her side like princes.
t by naply enoug left ty rafters o struggle to find room on t families squeezed up to make space, c or perc of the rough wooden walls.
At t of tform carved . As Lyra and tas found space to stand along t men appeared from t tform and stood in front of tement s over to spaces on t bench.
Finally tform sat down.
ties, but tall and bull necked and poian men; to mark but trengty : Uncle Asriel , and so did ter of Jordan.