ogetimes, or caugoucrengt of you. You cant see em except as a kind of shless Ones...”
“arriors being cant die, and living is altoget forever. ts been done to em.”
“And ?” said Lyra, wide-eyed.
“tartars snap open t t to it. t killing em, but t t is t to pump and pump all day and nigoon of Breat sometimes, Ive means armored bears. t we bears, and—”
“Yes! I nig my uncle, Lord Asriel, ress guarded by the armored bears.”
“Is was here?”
“Exploring. But talking I dont they were glad he was in prison.”
“ell, get out if t I mean by t? trengto eoric iron mostly, and t ss and plates of it to cover turies. tely pitiless. But t.”
Lyra considered th awe.
“Ma dont like to tony said after a fes, “because of ook h, see.”
“e caugalk. ts tle about nig Gobblers; too clumsy. If took em alive. See, tian people, by togeto decide o do about it. ts nigaking on stores, cause o a big muster up in t o send out a rescue party, ians knoogets w Id do, if I was John Faa.”
“hos John Faa?”
“And youre really going to rescue t about Roger?”
“hos Roger?”
“tcook same as Billy ter. I bet if I ook, o rescue Billy, I to come too and rescue Roger.”
And Uncle Asriel, s; but s mention t.