ust like coffee.”
“I bet youve never his before.”
“I tle, or nearly.”
“Just as you like,” said tilting to his?”
“Going to meet my father.”
“And whos he?”
“hes a murderer.”
“I told you, s onig hes in here, cause hes usually all covered in blood when hes finished a job.”
“Ah! Youre joking.”
“I ent.”
ttered a soft me at olidly and ate t of her sandwich.
“Goodnig angry.”
top- man glanced around, and Lyra set off toer croer really intended for people of trapped underground; better to be out in to.
On and on sreets became darker and emptier. It even if ty sky oo tainted to sars. Pantalaimon t t well?
Endless streets of little identical brick bin; great gaunt factories be glocory, only distinguisside. Once sried to a the porch was full of sleeping figures, and fled.
“o sleep, Pan?” srudged doreet of closed and stered shops.
“A doorway somewhere.”
“Dont to be seen theyre all so open.”
o t. Sure enougcer, and to look, tied up at ter, some lo s, and a tal cs , acks of great round logs, h rolls of cauchuc-covered cable.
Lyra tiptoed up to t and peeped in at tureStory paper and smoking a pipe, able. As s up and brougtle from tove and poured some er into a cracked mug before settling back h his paper.
“So let us in, Pan?” s racted; , an o again; sc time as .
Pantalaimon uttered a tangling ed past o snt do