eatly, but sended to be , for t she had hijacked.
One of Lyras brat companions picked up a stone automatically Lyra said, “Put it down. Semper. Swig.”
In fact, Ma Costa looked more anxious trader, was shrugging and spreading his hands.
“ell, I dunno,” e and gone t. I never saw w....”
“he was helping you! he was holding your bloody horses for you!”
“ell, ayed t he middle of a job—”
no furta suddenly dealt y blo up urned to flee. traders nearby jeered, and a flig reared up in alarm.
“s going on?” said Lyra to a gyptian ccs s?”
“Its s Billy. S ve done, too. I aint seen him meself since—”
“to Oxford, then?”
tian boy turned ao call to ca.
“S knohe Gobblers is here!”
s turned te do. Everyones daemon instantly became alaimon, contemptuous of ted imaginations of tian daemons, became a dragon the size of a deer hound.
But before ttle, Ma Costa ians aside and confronting Lyra like a prizefighter.
“You seen him?” she demanded of Lyra. “You seen Billy?”
“No,” Lyra said. “e just got seen Billy for months.”
Ma Costas daemon a gyptian: in tig gyptian boat ly loved, and a mot if a c of sig be far from someone elses it instinctively.
But a, a queen among tians, in a terror for a missing c was going on?
Ma Costa looked tle group of curned ao stumble t once turned back to one anothe face of her grief.
“ is them Gobblers?” said Simon Parslow, one of Lyras com