quot;I got it,quot; ;It t it h him.
Im going to listen and see if s it back. Stay ;
quot;No! Its ; s;Ser—my mot if s— and I know w Mrs.
Coulters cocktail party, ;
quot;S stay o make a noise.quot;
Sered herself, and swallowed hard, and shook her head.
quot;Sorry. I to stay ; s;I to t;
Because o touc-tagazze, and seeing railing bandage, Lyra tapped ying it up again. o do it, croucening hard.
A ligo t, dismissing o tudy, closing the door.
quot;May I offer you a glass of tokay?quot; he said.
A , replied, quot; tasted tokay for many years.quot;
t glug of inkle of decanter on glass rim, a murmur of ted he sofa, inches away from ill.
quot;Your good ; ;Noell me .quot;
quot;I to knoer.quot;
quot;Because Lyra , and I to find ;
quot;I cant imagine .quot;
quot;Ill remind you t ser.quot;
quot;t, because s ed your c by accident.quot;
quot;here is she?
quot;Ill tell you, I promise. But you must tell me somet.quot;
quot;If I can,quot; s tone t ill t migoxicating: soot, musical, and young, too. o kno be remarkable.
quot; do you to kno;
quot; is Asriel up to?quot;
ting o say. ill looked back t Lyra, and saing o keep silent and straining to hear, as he was.