afina Pekkala moved closer, even among tigc t end tc train of rembled as sook t.
tc;Sed and feared o find ;
But before serruption.
tern, mad error, and it beat its craso truggled up and darted to t of tortured cself against c;Yambe-Akka!
Come to me, come to me!quot;
No one but Serafina Pekkala understood. Yambe-Akka o a c to die.
And Serafina epped fors of joy. tcurned up ear-stained face, and Serafina bent to kiss it and slid ly into tc. tern daemon looked up h dim eyes and vanished.
And now Serafina Pekkala would o fig.
till s Mrs. Coulter recovered s almost at once.
quot;Seize let ; s Serafina tring. So the floor.
Out, along to tairs, turn, nock, loose, and anots clangor.
Up tairs and out onto t loose! Get ;
t ood undecided, o dodge past and seize beilator.
quot;S ; came a cry in Mrs. Coulters voice from be once ts struck metal and up like one of er s goose s of to her side.
quot;o?quot; he said.
quot;A; s;I to get tenc of my nose.quot;
In trut knoo do next. But tain: t s mark in Mrs. Coulters t.
turned sout troubling otion began to form more clearly in Serafinas mind. s t urned terious activities.
t tural ones. Srack any animal, catc berries; and sens entrails, or deciperpret t ture, and told ural truths.
For kno Lord Asriel, so go elserollesund, tained act o see o endrils of mist drifted glike on ter, and c guided in a large vessel