but from an earlier, more apelike creature. s age at t Australopit to Nature, Dart called taung remains “amazingly ed tirely nee the find.
ties o Dart to Dubois.
Nearly everyt Dart, it appears—annoyed t ably presumptuous by conducting ts in Europe. Even ralopition, combining as it didGreek and Latin roots. Above all, ed wisdom.
at least fifteen million years ago in Asia. If oday o announce t ral bones of just didn’t fit was known.
Dart’s sole supporter of note Broom, a Scottisologist of considerable intellect and cric nature. It ance, to do en.
ing dubious anatomical experiments on ractable patients. ients died, o dig up for study later.
Broom , and since in Souto examine taung skull at first once t it ant as Dart supposed and spoke out vigorously on Dart’s be to no effect. Fort fifty years t taung c textbooks didn’t even mention it. Dart spent five years o publis. Eventually to publisogetinue ing for fossils). For years, today recognized as one oftreasures of ant as a paper on a colleague’s desk.
At time Dart made in 1924, only four categories of ancient als, and Dubois’s JavaMan—but all t to change in a very big way.
First, in Ced Canadian amateur named Davidson Black began to poke around ata place, Dragon Bone was locally famous as a ing ground for old bones.
Unfortunately, ratudy, tomake medicines. e can only guess us bones ended up as asort of C of bicarbonate of soda. te ime Black arrived, but alo