ed bete bacterial species, more traveled to a coastal location a fe it contained 4,000 to 5,000 otypes exist in tefrom ties in Norats?” ell, according to one estimate, it could be as high as 400 million.
3e are actually getting some matters of toemperature s o proliferate. As s it: quot;If you emperatures, all you get is cleaner lice.quot;e don’t look in t places. In ty of Life, ilson describes anist spent a feramping around ten ares of jungle in Borneo and discovered at—more ts o find. It’s just t no one ional Museum told me t to one cloud forest, asmountaintop forests are knoicularly dedicatedlooking” found four neing neree. “Big tree,” to dance ner. Cloud forests are found on tops of plateaus and imes beenisolated for millions of years. “te for biology and tudied,” he said.
Overall, tropical rain forests cover only about 6 percent of Eart s animal life and about ts flos, and most of to us because too fe incidentally,muce valuable. At least 99 percent of flos ested for ties. Because t flee from predators, plants o contrive cicularly enricriguing compounds. Evennoer of all prescribed medicines are derived from just forty plants, coming from animals or microbes, so tare of forest felled of losing medically vital possibilities. Using a metorial cry, cs can generate forty t a time in labs,but ts are random and not uncommonly useless, calls “timate screening programme: overtion.”
Looking for t simply a matter of traveling to remote or distant places,e