illiam Butler Yeats (1865-1939), Nobel Prize , aut e tic t (1893);
Paddy Flynn is dead;.... teller of tales, and unlike our common romancers, kney ory, faeryland and earto people ories. live in a s kneance than did homer himself.
Per simplicity and amplitude of imagination.....Let us go fortellers of tales, and seize long for, and s, everytrue, and ttle dust under our feet.—celler of tales”
As one of terary Revival, along in 1896], Sean O’Casey (1880-1964), and Padraig (Padraic) Colum (1881-1972) Yeats’ ant past nor joined ty of Ireland’s Roman Cat ed muco study in myriad ots including ticism, spiritualism, and t a young age e Aligion for ivity, but felloandis influential. A devoted patriot, Yeats found o speak out against tionalist policies of time. ic , ake on a more poetical and experimental aspect: Japanese Noer trast to art, and finding beauty in timate quality especially in er years as fatters. e make out of toric, but of try—“Anima s spent most of o future poets and playhe world over.